Portsmouth Dockyard notebook

Bound manuscript volume entitled: "Diary of a Week in North Wales By Henry Sharrock"

The Illustrated London News Grand Panorama of the Great Exhibition of All Nations

Letter from Robert Stephenson to Dr Andrew Ure

Volume entitled: "Arrete du Ministre des Travaux Publics portant reglement pour l'Ecole Nationale des Mines, Paris"

Marshall's Geological Diagrams

Manuscript entitled: "Catalogue of the Apparatus of Philosophical Instruments, in the Collection of Her Late Majesty Queen Charlotte, at the Observatory at Richmond in Surrey"

PHD: 'Specimens of the work of spiral and oval drawing machine'

Volumes entitled: "The natural history of British shells including figures and descriptions of all the species hitherto discover'd in Great Britain systematically arranged ('in the Linnean manner')"

Drawing entitled 'Sectional Drawing for a Steel Protected Cruiser for Colonial Defence to be named'

Letter from Hardwick to Euston Station Enlargement Committee, regarding the completion of buildings with accompanying report from a member of his staff

Letter from Hardwick to unknown regarding screening of counter in Great Hall Euston due to cold drafts experienced by staff

Letter from Hardwick to Mr Lund (?) regarding the ‘ornament in the resistance of the new building at Euston Station’

Letter from Robert Stephenson to Captain Constantine Moorsom

Letter from Robert Stephenson to Captain Constantine Moorsom

Envelope from an unknown sender in Darlington to Jane Young (nee Hackworth), Soho Cottage, Shildon

Cross-written letter from Timothy Hackworth (Jn) to Jane Young (nee Hackworth)

Cross-written letter and envelope from Hannah Smith, Albion House, Penrith to Jane Young (nee Hackworth), Vilvorde, Belgium

Cross-written letter and envelope from Prudence Nightingale (nee Hackworth), Albion House, Penrith to Jane Young (nee Hackworth), Vilvorde, Belgium

Cross-written letter from Prudence Nightingale (nee Hackworth), Penrith to Jane Young (nee Hackworth), Vilvorde, Belgium

Fragment of cross-written letter and envelope from Prudence Nightingale (nee Hackworth) to Jane Young (nee Hackworth)

Cross-written letter and envelope from Prudence Nightingale (nee Hackworth), Albion House, Penrith to Jane Young (nee Hackworth), Vilvorde, Belgium

Cross-written letter from Eliza Greenhalgh and Cecile Margin, Vilvorde to Jane Young (nee Hackworth)

Cross-written letter from Miss Smith to Jane Young (nee Hackworth), Vilvorde, Belgium

Cross-written letter and envelope from Prudence Nightingale (nee Hackworth), Penrith to Jane Young (nee Hackworth), Vilvorde, Belgium

Pages 68 and 69 of the Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd minute book no.1

Pages 64 and 65 of the Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd minute book no.1

Pages 62 and 63 of the Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd minute book no.1

Locking motions for carriage column.

Sketch of an apparatus for advancing stereotype frames of the Difference Engine by cranks and backing them by weights. Superseded. Plan, elevation.

Speculations on the driving and directive for the Difference Engine. Superseded. Arrangements.

Difference Engine wheels for driving the cranks which move the matrix frames. Superseded. Plan, elevation.

Untitled. Plan of locking plates for locking axis circularly and vertically.

Speculations on the driving and directive of the Difference Engine. Superseded. Arrangement.

Plan and elevation of a platform for giving circular motion to axes applied as an experiment to the Difference Engine No. 2. Drawing 163.

Motions of the printing apparatus

Motions of the stereotype frames

Circular motions of the calculating axes

Part of the Planing machine.

Motions of the stereotype frames

Untitled pencil layout, includes mill racks.

Directive. Difference Engine No. 2. [Genealogy]

Direct trains. Third edition [possibly version].

General trains to be used with Sheets 1 to 4 of the special trains on drawing paper.

Comparison of two modes of moving matrix frame.

Commencement of trains.

Number of parts and working points.

Complete analysis of trains. Second Edition [possibly version].